Who should take this training?

Anyone working with families that will be administering developmental screening, or who is interested in learning more about using developmental screening with families can take this training. It was developed with early childhood educators, early intervention providers, and home visitors in mind, but can be used by anyone new to developmental screening.

What should I do first?

Before taking this training, it is recommended that you take the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Watch Me” training. While not required, this will give some helpful background in milestones and developmental monitoring. The training can be accessed online at any time, and can be found by clicking here.

What can I expect from this training?

This training consists of five video-based modules that will guide you through the topics of: The What and Why of Developmental Screening, Introducing Developmental Screening to Families, Discussing Results and Follow Up, Overview of Developmental Screening Tools, and Developmental Screening in Alaska.

What will happen when I'm done?

After you have completed watching each module and successfully completed the quiz at the end, you will receive a certificate of completion. This can be accessed at the time you finish the training, or by logging back in with your username and password.

Contact: Hannah LaRue 
Phone 907-310-0080

Nurses: 1.5
Physicians: 1.5
Physician Associates/Physician Assistants: 1.5
Social Workers: 1.5