
Alaska Emergency Medical Service (EMS) clinicians receive many calls to assist people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. However, we have little or no formal training to prepare us for the unique physical, behavioral, and communication challenges related to dementia. This lack of training can lead to some hospitalizations and emergency department visits that could be averted if EMS clinicians better understand how to respond to people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

This CME delivery has been developed in conjunction with the Alaska Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Alaska chapter of the Alzheimer's Association.

Alz Association Logo

This course is designed to be used as an additional education resource for EMS clinicians and educators. It may be used for continuing education as well as for use in initial AK EMS courses.

There are a series videos and documents attached for review as well as for home station training and class support. Upon completion the viewer must complete the quiz in order to receive the CME certificate.

NCCP CME Allocation Category: Medical - Special Healthcare Needs

EMS CME: 2.0