AK EMS Bloodborne Pathogens Training and Resources (CME Course)
This course will fulfill all the initial and refresher requirements for bloodborne pathogens train per 29 CFR 1910.1030, "The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard."
Course duration: 2 hours
Completion of this program will require completion of the online, narrated presentation, as well as completion of the quiz with score of 100%.
Users may also benefit from the resources attached to the program, to aid in the development of a service's Infection Control Program.
Questions or comments on content issues may be directed to the Alaska Office of EMS State EMS Training Coordinator, Brian Webb, at EMSTraining@alaska.gov.
Questions on HSS LMS access may be directed to Debbie McDonald, DOH Publication Specialist III at debbie.mcdonald@alaska.gov
EMS CME: 2.0