DOH and DFCS Training
This is the repository for the Alaska EMS Research and New Guidance Educations Series (AK EMS RANGES) Webinars.
Sessions are in chronological order and have been made into state-approved CME deliveries with a short quiz at the completion of all required items.
Upon completion of each session, a certificate of CME will be available to you.
(Our logo is of 4,459-foot Sukakpuk mountain, and Reflection Lake 90 miles north of the Arctic Circle, near milepost 203 on the Dalton Highway. The peak is near where the Bettles and Dietrich Rivers merge to form Middle Fork Koyukuk River.)
This is the repository for the Alaska EMS RANGES sessions for the 2022-2023 season.
Alaska EMS RANGES is our acronym for: Research And New Guidance Education Series, to reflect on how our mountains ranges across Alaska impact our way of life, much how the importance of EMS education is paramount to our EMS clinician's professional way of life.
To complete each session, you need to review the session video in its entirety as well as any associated documents. Upon completion of the mandatory items, if there is one for a session, you will need to complete a short knowledge check with an 80% score in order to claim your CME certificate. Not all sessions have a knowledge check.